The New World
Of Casino Business

Join CCU to jointly build a fair and open encrypted casino ecosystem,Crypto casino union helps you keep the game safe.

Censorship and Oversight of Crypto Casinos

Deliver great service experiences fast - without the complexity of traditional ITSM solutions. Accelerate critical development work, eliminate toil, and deploy changes with ease.

  • Project completeness and openness review
  • Development workflow
  • Game Fairness Review

Facilitating industry change and growth

CCU believes that the application of blockchain encryption technology and digital currency will bring huge changes to the industry and will create a brand new casino industry.

  • Sponsor the development of the public chain
  • Eliminate deception and injustice
  • Build the Metaverse Ecology
  • Industry exchange and product improvement
  • Create opportunities for innovators

Join CCU

Welcome to Crypto Casino Union

If you agree with our values, share a common vision for industry development, and are willing to accept review and disclose information, you are welcome to join us.


Process standardization

900M+ Users

Number of users covered

100+ Countries

Global coverage

20+ Chain

Public chain covered